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Christmas - Santa or Father Christmas?

Christmas is coming...
There's something really magical about receiving a letter from Santa. All of my children love it, along with the anticipation of waiting for the dreaded elf on the shelf to arrive, its right up there with excitement of Santa's arrival! for us anyway. Finding out if they've made it to the nice list really fills them with so much wonder and excitement.
If you're like me and spend the majority of the year threatening that they may not make it to the nice list, every time they make a bad choice then raise your hand! But let's be realistic, they always end up on the 'nice list'.
Santa or Father Christmas?
I grew up with the words Father Christmas, my mum was adamant not to impose the American version of 'Santa' on us. So hearing it in most movies, every advert on the TV and most christmas songs felt weird.
I had every intention of filtering this through to my children, but Santa naturally took over. I don't feel that many of us say Father Christmas anymore. Was it a 90's UK thing? or just my family? I may be overthinking this but I want to know what everyone else's experience of this is - I'm taking it very seriously!
Also, 'The nightmare before Christmas' I also get confused. Is this a christmas or halloweeen film? We always watch it over Halloween but afterwards I feel it's then acceptable to start talking about everything christmas. Are you the same?
The purpose of this post was Santa letters, but as usual I've rambled on about something else.
I LOVE creating these for your little ones and keeping the magic alive for as long as possible. Last year, it filled my heart with so much joy seeing videos and pictures of little ones opening these letters. This year I have included a nice list certificate! Magic sparkles and of course the letters will smell like Santa's workshop.
Now to try and hide all of the bits it takes to make these letters, so that my daughter in particular doesn't find them - let mission to 'not kill the magic' commence....