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Hello Autumn

Autumn is here, officially! It's the spiced pumpkin latte season - or chai latte for me!
I LOVE it, it is by far my absolute favourite time of year. The smells, the colours, the dark earlier nights, the walks! Yeah! It gives me all the warm, cosy feels.
I get such a sense of nostalgia when taking a chilly Autumn walk, i'm not sure why, I don't have any distinct memories of going on long autumnal walks as a child. But seeing my children getting muddy and throwing the fallen leaves around brings me such joy. Then coming home and having hot chocolate, throwing the blanket over us all and snuggling in to watch a movie.... ahhh!
Realistically my daughter will probably moan that her legs will ache on the walk, my toddler will eat mud and my teenager won't join us, but the idea is nice! and everyone enjoys the warm drink after.
My autumn collection
Some new designs have been added to my autumn collection for 2024. I've tried to keep them simple, as I tend to over complicate them occasionally. My goal was to have the majority of them matching, so that collections can be created - I think it all works! I like them anyway and they are very much a self expression of my favourite things that Autumn brings.
Moving on
I did see a recent meme doing the rounds on IG with the iconic sound of Mariah Careys voice at the start of the well known Christmas song I dare not mention this early in the year, having said that I did buy my daughters advent calendar recently in fear of it going up in price!...